OCTOBER 16-19, 2025
Details and Frequently Asked Questions
Quiet Times
The most important time we will spend at this retreat is the time we spend in quiet.
Our phones have a way of intruding upon the most important things in life. You will be strongly encouraged to tuck your cell phone away for the duration of the retreat. You will even be given an opportunity to allow us to keep it for you during your stay. You have a special appointment!
There is very little cell phone reception at this site. Upon registration, you will be given an emergency number to share with friends and family. You may wish to bring a watch, alarm clock, camera, and physical Bible if you are used to using your cell phone for those functions.

Will I be asked to bare my deepest, darkest secrets?
No. At no time will you be asked to share in front of a group.
This event is about you and for you. But you extroverts will have plenty of free time to share away!
Can I request a roommate(s)?
Yes. There is a place in the registration process to make roommate requests. We will do our best to fulfill roommate
requests, but they cannot be guaranteed.
Should I bring a friend or should I come alone?
Either. Some women prefer to bring one or two friends. Others prefer to go solo. Whatever you choose is okay! There will be opportunities to make new friends. The main thing to know is that this retreat is not about your relationships to others as
much as it is about who you are yourself.
But see the note about "Audience" below!
Adventure Activities
Optional activities may include hiking, basketball, canoeing, tomahawk-throwing, archery, giant swing, and zip-lining. Feel free to bring your own fishing tackle.
For some, just being away from their cell phone, laptop, TV, children, hubby, and work will be quite an
adventure by itself!
(You will be given an opportunity to purchase certain adventure activity tickets during registration. Please note that some of these activities require closed-toed shoes.)

What to Bring
Pen or pencil
Comfortable shoes for walking
Casual Clothes
Bedding (twin sheets and blanket or sleeping bag)
Towels (bath, hand, and wash cloth)
Bible if you have one (book form, not on your phone)
Flashlight (a must!)
Insect repellant
Rain Poncho (you never know!)
Fishing gear if you like to fish
Portable camp chair (optional - like the cloth folding chairs people take to soccer games, etc.)
Cash for the boutique
Important Audience Note
Due to the intimate and personal nature of the content, this experience should not generally be viewed as a mother/daughter event. You may wish to attend different events, at least for each of your first experiences of the retreat. You are permitted to attend together if you choose, but it is not recommended.
This experience is designed for adult women. You must have completed high school or be at least eighteen years of age to attend.
Unfortunately, this event is not designed to offer childcare, and we are not able to provide space for nursing moms to bring their infants. We do pray that God would supernaturally provide for your children while you are away, and for nursing moms we pray with all our heart that Jesus would make a way for you to participate in a future retreat. We rejoice with you in this holy time of life when your heart and being is devoted to your child!

Special Dietary Needs
We have contracted for meal service at this facility, and they are willing to work with us to accommodate medically-necessary special dietary needs as best they can, although they are not able to accommodate every need. During registration you will have an opportunity to let us know of any dietary restrictions you have, and we will do our best to meet them. If you are concerned about the meal options, please contact us or you may bring your own items in a cooler.
We are very blessed to have this retreat at Carolina Creek, a retreat facility near Huntsville, Texas. The site includes woods, open fields, stately trees, and nourishing waterfront views.
Meals will be provided each day, and we will make every effort to accommodate special dietary needs.
Lodging will be in air conditioned/heated cabins with attached restroom and shower facilities and twin bunk beds. The foam mattresses are a bit thin, so you may wish to bring an air mattress or foam mattress pad. Each attendee will be assigned to her own bunk bed set, meaning that whether you choose the top or bottom bunk, no one will be assigned to the other.
Please provide your own bedding (sheets and blanket or sleeping bag), pillow, towels, and toiletries.
Unfortunately, the cabins and camp facility are not wheelchair-accessible. ​